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Create a contour map

1. Load a data set:
  1.1 Choose the File | Open command to load:
  - scattered XYZ points;
- GPS NMEA files;
- ASCII USGS Digital Elevation Model files (.dem extension);
- Surfer 6 and Surfer 7 files (.grd extension);
- BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF images;
- 3DField documents (.3df extension).
  1.2 Choose the File | Open 2D/3D data command to load a matrix data

2. You can change the gridding method to interpolate the scattered data over the grid:
  - system of linear equations (the default);
  - kriging;
  - inverse distances;
- triangulation;
- minimum curvature
3. Double click on specified map in Map manager window (or choose Objects | Maps list command):
  - contour map;
- color fill contour map;
- shaded relief;
- color relief;
- color cells;
- color points;
- direchlet tesselations;
- delauney triangles

4. You can change a properties of:
  - grid;
- series of points;
- boundary outlines;
- color scale;
- title of map;
- legend;
- base map;
- axes;
- language;
- harder copy of map (size and format of graphic file)

5. Click the OpenGL view button (or choose the View | OpenGL view command) to draw the 3D map.

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